What you need to know about the new pre-tertiary curriculum for Kindergarten to Primary Six

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Perfect choice

Why introduce a new curriculum?

When you give to Our Industry, know your donation is making a difference whether you are supportingour signature Programs or our carefully curated list of gifts that professional.

From Closures to a Resilient Education System

Supporting our final year students to complete
•Building Back Better
•Improving digital literacy for students and teachers
•Aggressive back-to-school and re-entry campaign
Perfect choice

Who developed the new curriculum and how was it done?

When you give to Our Industry, know your donation is making a difference whether you are supportingour signature Programs or our carefully curated list of gifts that professional.


•Disinfection of all educational institutions ( public and private)
•Provision of WASH facilities for all schools
•Provision of washableand reusable Facemasks for all students and staff

Health & Safety

•Mapping of all schools to health facilities
•All Classes to be split
•No mass gathering


Schools not available for religious activities
•No visitors allowed (Boarding schools)

Read the Ministry’s message to parents

We provides best industry and company services


Have Questions?

Perfect choice

What is new?

When you give to Our Industry, know your donation is making a difference whether you are supportingour signature Programs or our carefully curated list of gifts that professional.

Great Support

Split all classes
•Private tertiary institutionsare to provide to NCTE
•Number of Staff
•Number of Final Year Students

Professional Team

Re-opening on Monday June 15, 2020
•Final Year Students Only
•Six Weeks of Academic work then four weeks for exams

Smart Work

All Non-MoEeducational institutions are also expected to re-open on Monday June 15, 2020.
•Foreign Students who are outside the country and are identified will be allowed to return granted their country will allow them exit.

Where can you find it?

The curriculum, teacher resource materials and training guides are available on the NaCCA website (www.nacca.gov.gh) and can be downloaded for personal use only.

Expert Employed

Project Completed

Industries Served

Factories Built
highly specialized engineers

Is it for sale?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since


Re-opening on Monday June 22, 2020
•Final Year Students (SHS 3)andSHS 2 Gold Track Only

Health & Safety

•Mapping of all schools to health facilities
•All Classes to be split
•No mass gathering


Re-opening on Monday June 22, 2020
•Final Year Students (SHS 3)andSHS 2 Gold Track Only

Health & Safety

•Mapping of all schools to health facilities
•All Classes to be split
•No mass gathering
highly specialized engineers

Why are you doing this now? Why can’t we wait a year or two?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since


•Re-opening on Monday June 29, 2020
Final Year Students (JHS 3) Only
•Eleven Weeks of Academic work then one week for BECE


All classes to be split –No more than 30 students in a class
•Classes will be from 9AM to 1PM Each day (Reduced School Day)
•No breaks outside the classroom


Schools will have enhanced daily health protocols
•Schools will be unavailable for religious activities
•No sports orsporting events
highly specialized engineers

How will you ensure that all teachers are trained?

highly specialized engineers

What about private schools?

highly specialized engineers

What about textbooks?

highly specialized engineers

Do teachers and their respective unions support the new curriculum?

highly specialized engineers


Simulation of the Curriculum materials in April 2019 (below)

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