It was an honour to receive well-wishers from various sectors, including representatives from the Church of Pentecost, agency heads, directors, and my cherished friends and loved ones to join me in my 60th birthday celebration.
Their presence and heartfelt blessings were truly appreciated, and their gifts added to the joyous atmosphere of the occasion.
Special thanks to our bright future leaders from St. Barnabas Anglican School and Calvary Methodist School for joining in my celebration.
It was a heartwarming occasion filled with joy and inspiration as he had the opportunity to walk the learners through some of the interventions he has implemented in the education sector. Additionally, I showcased the new model Junior High School (JHS) the Ministry is constructing demonstrating my commitment to providing modern and inclusive educational infrastructure.
During the celebration, I took the time to advise and encourage the school children, emphasizing the importance of education as a tool for personal growth and national development. It was a privilege to interact with these young minds and instil in them the value of hard work and perseverance.
He’s grateful for the support and encouragement of all those who passed by and I look forward to continuing our collective efforts to ensure quality education for all Ghanaian children.